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2023-06-19 22:45
Black platform, unable to make money, various difficulties
Anzo Capital Anzo Capital

Unable to withdraw







2023-09-07 09:02
2023-08-08 08:35


Dear customer, thanks for your information. With respect to your problem, please send the detailed information of account and order to official customer service, (ensure correct email address), with your registered email at our platform. If you contacted us before, please still reply by email or reach out to online customer service for help. Thank you.

2023-06-20 10:47
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China

Contact Broker

2023-06-20 08:26
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China


2023-06-19 22:45

Start Mediation

On the unscrupulous platform, after investing 10000 US dollars and earning over 10000, the principal was paid out first. Afterwards, if I want to make a profit again, I need various documents and information. I was asked to take a selfie and dictate my personal information. After giving it to them, they said that the information I provided was not good. The bank statement should first be provided for a week, then for a month, and then for six months. I have printed hundreds of A4 paper files and recorded several gigabytes of videos, still making things difficult for me. I sent them the files I sent and they said they couldn't read them and asked me to remake the files and record the videos for them. I think they are too lazy to read the files I sent them and are just looking for various reasons to make things difficult for me. They want this and that, but they don't give me any money! Dear friends, if you want to make money on this platform, don't even think about it. Hurry up and stay away! One day, you may have swallowed the principal!!!


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