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Hong Kong

2023-06-16 11:48

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Lic agencyIndonesia OJK Financial Regulatory License

Regulators: Indonesian Financial Services Regulatory Authority

Regulatory region: Indonesia

License Type: Financial license

Application price (USD): ****

Application frequency: six months

Maintenance costs (USD): ****

Company summary:
brief introduction 1、 About OJK The Indonesian Financial Services Regulatory Authority (OJK) aims to become a reliable regulatory authority to review the financial services industry, with the purpose of protecting the interests of consumers and the masses, making the financial services industry a pillar Sex industry of the national economy, enhancing its global competitiveness and promoting public prosperity. Its core values include integrity, professionalism, cooperation, inclusiveness, and foresight. 2、 Main Tasks and Objectives of OJK
Product details:
The main tasks of OJK are: 1. Able to successfully carry out activities in all economic fields and regularly organize in a fair, open, and just manner. 2. Establish a sustainable and stable financial system. 3. Protect the interests of consumers and the general public. The goal is to ensure the overall activities of the financial services industry: 1. Organized and conducted in a fair, just and open manner 2. Promote sustained and stable growth of the financial system 3. Protecting the interests of consumers and the people Regulatory scope: OJK regulates all financial service activities in the banking, capital markets, and non banking financial services sectors.
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Indonesia OJK Financial Regulatory License
Hong Kong | 2023-06-16 11:48


Indonesian Financial Services Regulatory Authority

Regulatory region:


License Type:

Financial license

Application price (USD):


Application frequency:

six months

Maintenance costs (USD):


Company summary:

brief introduction 1、 About OJK The Indonesian Financial Services Regulatory Authority (OJK) aims to become a reliable regulatory authority to review the financial services industry, with the purpose of protecting the interests of consumers and the masses, making the financial services industry a pillar Sex industry of the national economy, enhancing its global competitiveness and promoting public prosperity. Its core values include integrity, professionalism, cooperation, inclusiveness, and foresight. 2、 Main Tasks and Objectives of OJK

Product details:

The main tasks of OJK are: 1. Able to successfully carry out activities in all economic fields and regularly organize in a fair, open, and just manner. 2. Establish a sustainable and stable financial system. 3. Protect the interests of consumers and the general public. The goal is to ensure the overall activities of the financial services industry: 1. Organized and conducted in a fair, just and open manner 2. Promote sustained and stable growth of the financial system 3. Protecting the interests of consumers and the people Regulatory scope: OJK regulates all financial service activities in the banking, capital markets, and non banking financial services sectors.

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