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2022-11-25 18:23 Released in Hong Kong China Hong Kong China

Romance scam

If you can see it, you are lucky. I can clearly tell you that this is a romance scam, first from various platforms: Tik Tok, Kuaishou, etc., and then chat with you to get close. Then tell you that there is a teacher who is teaching about stock trading, but it is on your platform similar to WeChat and QQ (this is their own software, which cannot be supervised). After you download it, you will find a lot of people. , But in fact, this is their own trumpet, everyone is raising your pig, and the subsequent grouping or sub-grouping is to separate the living people, so that you cannot communicate with each other. This process should take a month or two, during which you have no losses, and you are all prostitutes for nothing. Finally, the main event comes: luring you to speculate in foreign exchange gold, which is the platform you are now in contact with. This is also their own background, and the trend is their own. controlling. If you make a profit, you will find that you cannot withdraw cash, or you will be tempted not to withdraw cash for various reasons, and you will be prevented from withdrawing cash. When the last time came, they ran away. Finally, I would like to remind you that the transfers to private bank accounts are all accounts purchased by them. Once the money arrives, they will launder the money. There is only so much that can help you. Be down-to-earth, how can you get rich overnight


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