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2022-11-23 12:26 Released in Indonesia Indonesia

super forex broker cheating

I am an EA user, there was cheating on my trading account at super forex. The order occurred in mt4 history but in the expert's journal the date, time and order code were not listed, and the take profit set by the expert was not the same as what was written in the history as evidenced in the expert's journal. and I experienced a loss of funds and time and profit this month. please proceed and seek compensation for customer abuse and information crimes not handled by superforex in this case $15,000,000 if they are able.

Severe Slippage

The following is the original recommendation

kecurangan broker super forex

Saya pengguna EA,Terjadi kecurangan pada akun trading saya di super forex.  Order terjadi pada histori mt4 tetapi di jurnal expert pada tanggal, jam dan kode order tidak tercantum, serta take profit yang di atur pada expert tidak sama dengan yang tertulis pada history dibuktikan pada jurnal expert. dan saya alami kerugian dana dan waktu serta profit bulan ini. tolong diproses dan minta ganti rugi atas pelecehan nasabah dan kejahatan informasi yang tidak ditangani oleh superforex dalam hal ini sebesar $15,000,000 jika mereka mampu.

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