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2022-11-18 23:27 Released in Hong Kong China Hong Kong China

Have you ever experienced despair and lost $4,000 in 4 days?

A teacher with hundreds of thousands of followers who I know on Weibo lost my 4,000 dollars in 4 days. This kind of commission for defrauding customers in the name of a teacher? Is this kind of teacher unsupervised? How can all kinds of ambitious dominance on Weibo turn over in a short period of time, and lose money in 4 days after joining the firm offer. My money is blown by the wind? Isn't this kind of teacher responsible? I just joined with a firm offer of 5,000 US dollars. I asked him if he wanted to do it lightly. He said that he would manage the risk control. He would make a second move for me. There are pictures and the truth. I hope this kind of teacher can be punished and make up for my loss.


The following is the original recommendation

你经历过绝望吗 4天亏4千美金

微博认识的大v 几十万粉的老师,4天亏掉我4千美金,这种打着老师的名号出来欺骗客户的佣金?这种老师就没人监管了吗?微博各种宏图霸业如何短时间翻仓,加入实盘就4天亏没了,我的钱是大风刮来的?这种老师就不用负责任了吗?我刚加入实盘5千美金 我问他要不要轻仓做他说风控他来管理 一来给我下2手 有图有真相,希望这种老师能得到惩罚 补回我的损失

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