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2022-11-19 00:55 Released in Turkey Turkey does not allow us to withdraw USDT we have deposited there!

I deposited about 23.3k USDT on this site called and after the 15-day investment plan on the 25th of October was over they did not allow me to withdraw the 30.140 USDT with their promised earnings from my account. I transferred these funds to this site 3 times through Binance Global and 1 time through BtcTurk. Also, my access to the website was disabled. There are many people who are victims of here. The site does not have a contact number or postal address. Also, 7 people, including the CEO of the company, are in the CertiK Leadership team with the same photos but with different names, how can it be possible? How can we recover our investments confiscated by this site?

Unable to withdraw
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