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Broker Search


2022-11-06 11:39 Released in  Taiwan Taiwan

Induced huge profits from investment, and after paying huge commissions, he was informed that he was frozen by random inspection by the US Monetary Authority.

the app uses the line to make friends and contacts, and recommend contacts in order BKYHYO LTD manager lin of the customer service department, senior analyst mr. zhang, and chief financial officer li of the finance department, induced a deposit of us$109,000 to upgrade to vip1, and made a huge profit of us$144,000 in cooperation with the investment. after paying a commission of us$16,000, they were informed that they were frozen by the us monetary authority. in the middle, a financial proof of us$15,000 is required, and the payment certificate informs that the withdrawal is successful one week later. the account can still be logged in and the balance of us$57,000 is visible, but all the contacts will disappear immediately, and the message will not be read. the gold of 180,000 us dollars has not arrived in the account for more than a month.

Unable to withdraw

The following is the original recommendation


APP以Line交友接觸,依序轉薦接洽BKYHYO Ltd 客服部林經理,高級分析師張老師,財務部李財務長,誘導入金10.9萬美金升級為VIP1,配合投資獲利14.4萬美金鉅額,繳付1.6萬美金佣金後,告知被美國金管局抽查凍結中,要求1.5萬美金財力證明,繳付證明一個星期後告知出金成功,帳戶依然可登入且可見餘額5.7萬美元,但是所有聯絡人隨即人間消失,不回訊息不讀取,所申請之出金18萬美金折騰月餘仍未到帳。

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