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2022-11-05 03:31 Released in Spain Spain

I have been scammed and they tell me to wake up

I invested 10k and everything was going well until the time of withdrawal they told me that I could not withdraw without going through blokchein but blochein made me pay huge taxes of 32 k and things like that I had a little saved on the website and I told them then I want to withdraw it shortly after they told me no that the money was in bloke I didn't understand how blok chein ba to know what I have in my purse from the website he told me patience ns that I arrived and I heard in day I'm still waiting since they told me that the network is unstable and it could take from 3 to 6 months


The following is the original recommendation

he sido estafado me dicen que e desperar

inverti 10 k i todo iba bien asta el momento del retiro me decian que no se podia retirar sin pasar por blokchein pero blochein me hacia pagar taxas descomunales de 32 k i cosas asi yo tenia un poco guardado en la pagina web i les dige entonces quiero retirar ete poco i me digeron que no que el dinero ara en bloke yo no emtendia como blok chein ba a saber lo que tengo en mi monedero de la pagina web el me decia paciencia ns que ya llegsre i oi en dia sigo esperando ya que me digeron que la red es inestable i se podria tardar de 3 a 6 meses

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