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2022-11-03 04:52 Released in  Taiwan Taiwan

EA liquidated the account and the account was stolen

Post Oubo. They put you in a heavy position during three-day trial period and let you liquidate your position. Not long after that, you can't log in to your account. Finally, even the remaining more than 100 US dollars were transferred out. Isn't it bad enough? . Don't make money on this platform. It's really a slob. Even if you put in 100 million US dollars, he can hang a heavy position to make you explode, and they won't tell you how much. I used my wallet to deposit money. According to reason, if I want to withdraw my money, I also need my mailbox for verification. He even sent a text message to me without my mailbox verification, saying that I have withdrawn the amount of my account. They said that I did not withdraw the amount of my account, and EA also exploded the remaining more than 100 US dollars and was withdrawn for no reason. Is this platform still able to deposit money? And during the negotiation process, you are unwilling to compensate, then I will post here forever and never settle.


The following is the original recommendation

EA爆倉 帳號被盜

掛他們Oubo三天體驗期 就把你掛重倉 讓你爆倉 之後沒多久 帳號登不入 最後連剩餘的一百多美金也被人轉出 不夠慘嗎?。這平台千萬不要入金 真是吭人 就算你入一億美金 他也能掛重倉讓你爆 而且掛多少 他們不會跟你說 。我是用錢包入金的 照道理說要提我金也要我信箱認證 他竟然不用我的信箱認證 就直接傳簡訊給我說 我提領了我帳號金額 我還傳簡訊給他們Oubo 第一行 跟他們說 我並未提領我帳號的金額 EA也爆 剩下的一百多美金 也無淵無故被提領走 這平台還能入金嗎? 而且談判過程 你們也不願賠償 那我就一輩子掛在這裡 永遠未解決

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