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2022-10-19 01:15 Released in Indonesia Indonesia

Withdrawing Funds Since March 2022

Withdrawals since March 2022 $500 have not come in, currently 6 Oct 2022 are making withdrawals without instructions from the original account owner... Funds are not coming in even though they have followed the instructions for using USDT TRC20. Please return our money, because my wife and I can rely on living from the money in your company's pocket... You instead follow PT Simbiotic Multitalenta Indonesia by not returning our funds, even though based on what you did, you can withdraw your balance simultaneously on October 6, 2022, why can't we return our funds at the same time? Not in installments only $500.. Withdrawals since March 2022 $500 have not come in, currently 6 Oct 2022 are making withdrawals without instructions from the original account owner... Funds are not coming in even though I have followed the instructions for using USDT TRC20 . Please return our money, because my wife and I can rely on living from the money in your company's pocket... You instead follow PT Simbiotic Multitalenta Indonesia by not returning our funds, even though based on what you did, you can withdraw your balance simultaneously on October 6, 2022, why can't we return our funds at the same time? Not in installments only $500..

Unable to withdraw

The following is the original recommendation

Penarikan Dana Sejak Maret 2022

Penarikan dana sejak Maret 2022 $500 tidak masuk, saat ini 6 Okt 2022 malah melakukan penarikan kembali tanpa instruksi dari pemilik asli akun... Dana tidak masuk2 padahal sudah mengikuti arahan penggunaan USDT TRC20. Mohon kembalikan uang kami, karna saya beserta anak istri bisa mengandalkan hidup dari uang yang ada di kantong perusahaan anda... Anda malah mengikuti PT Simbiotik Multitalenta Indonesia dengan tidak mengembalikan dana kami, padahal berdasarkan apa yang kalian lakukan, kalian bisa melakukan penarikan saldo serentak pada 6 Oktober 2022, kenapa tidak bisa mengembalikan dana kami juga serentak? Bukan dengan cicil hanya $500.. Withdrawals since March 2022 $500 have not come in, currently 6 Oct 2022 are making withdrawals without instructions from the original account owner... Funds are not coming in even though I have followed the instructions for using USDT TRC20. Please return our money, because my wife and I can rely on living from the money in your company's pocket... You instead follow PT Simbiotic Multitalenta Indonesia by not returning our funds, even though based on what you did, you can withdraw your balance simultaneously on October 6, 2022, why can't we return our funds at the same time? Not in installments only $ 500..

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