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2022-10-15 19:39 Released in Japan Japan

Can't withdraw

I traded from the middle of July to the beginning of September, and I was instructed to withdraw my Forex earnings due to the next transaction, so I tried to withdraw. That's what I'm talking about. Just collect the tax fee, remit it, and wait for the deposit. I was told that there was a problem with my account, so I replied that I could send money if I paid 20% of the funds (investment amount and income total of $102,504.59) as a security deposit. However, since my account is functioning normally, I feel suspicious, and even if the exchange asks what kind of remittance I can't remit, please pay a 20% deposit. In the end, the company name set in mt5 or Askyolo Tech Limited has changed to FasonlaTech, and the CRM cannot be viewed. I don't care about earnings, investment money and taxes. I want it back!! ️

Unable to withdraw

The following is the original recommendation


7月半ばから9月はじめまで取引をし、次の取引があるためFXでの収益を出金するようにと指示があったため出金を試みたところ、収益に対して20.315%の税金がかかるとのこと。なくなく、税金代を集め送金し、入金を待つだけ。のはずが……私の口座に問題があるとのことで、次は資金(投資金額と収益の合計102504.59ドル)の20%を保証金として納めれば送金できると返信。ただ、私の口座は正常に機能しているため不審に思い、取引所がどのような送金をして送金できないのかを問いただしても、20%の保証金を支払ってくださいの一点張り。しまいには、mt5で設定していた会社名かAskyolo Tech LimitedからFasonlaTechに変わってるし、CRMも見れない状態。

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