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2022-09-26 22:04 Released in Hong Kong China Hong Kong China

Unable to withdraw

This broker is a romance scam. There are more than 50 people in the group, leading by Xu Youcheng, Chang Xiaosa dnd Li Yong. Endless traps to deceive investors that cannot withdraw after making a profit, and finally the account will be forced to zero, please ask the relevant departments for help!

Unable to withdraw

The following is the original recommendation


此经纪商为杀猪盘,犯罪团伙大概50多人,为首者徐有成 常潇洒 李勇等人 无限套路投资者入金盈利后不给出金,最后账户被强制清零,请求有关部门帮忙解决!

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