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2022-09-26 06:02 Released in  Taiwan Taiwan

The account has been locked for more than a month for no reason, and the website cannot be accessed

In more than May, I was brought in by a friend to operate. The previous trader was Biguncle, and was later transferred to BKYHYO. Originally, there was still a small profit, and I could also withdraw money in small amounts, and I managed to apply for 50,000 warehouse interest. In mid-July, I let a friend lead the operation and lost more than 30,000. Later, I was asked by customer service to fill up to 50,000, otherwise the account must be filled up to 50,000. It will freeze, and I spent some time borrowing money from other friends and finally filled the 50,000 hole. As a result, in mid-August, it was found that the account was frozen, and the customer service account was asked to indicate that the system was being updated; the problem of fraud and the official website of the brokerage was marked as fraud, but only because of political factors, all the situation will take some time to return to normal. , It has been more than a month now, and the account is still frozen. There is still 50,110 usd in the account. Except for a little money saved by myself, the rest is for loans and borrowed from friends to fill the hole. Can you please help? ? Hope to get it back, my family is really in need of money right now.

Unable to withdraw

The following is the original recommendation

帳戶無故被鎖一個多月 網站也無法上去

結果8月中時就發現帳戶被凍結了,詢問客服帳戶問題表示正在進行系統更新;提出詐騙與劵商官網被標註詐騙問題,也只說受政治因素問題,所有的狀況需要一段時間才能恢復正常,現在已經過去一個多月了,帳戶還是處於被凍結的情形,帳戶裡面還有50110 usd,除了自己存的一點錢,其他是去貸款和當初跟朋友借來填坑的,可以麻煩幫幫忙嗎?希望可以拿回來,我的家庭現在真的很需要用錢。

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