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2022-09-15 11:46 Released in Hong Kong China Hong Kong China

Meta Trader 5 is the Android version of the mobile phone, and the link they gave to download and register

Since September 5th, they have officially entered their trap. They have begun to look like Luo Caiguang, Xu Zaiyou, Yin Changyao, Liu Guangjun, and the four have successively transferred 50,000 yuan, deposited funds, and released the warehouse. Now they have to pay 20,000 yuan in certification before they can withdraw money. ! I felt that I had been scammed, so I called the police, and it really happened! They are a gang, namely, Xu Youcheng and Chang Chisa, who call themselves teachers, Liu Jiaxin, who brought me in to be fooled by the first acquaintance. And the customer service Miss Jin is responsible for guiding us to transfer and deposit money! There is also Li Yong, when you lose money, come out to help you make a profit and even double your profit, and then do a hedging transaction to deliberately lock your position, so that Miss Jin from customer service will say that your position is locked and you need to How many dollars to unwind! After unloading the warehouse, he said that he needs to pay 20,000 authentication funds, otherwise he can only operate transactions, and cannot withdraw funds! Just like this step by step, through network friendship, double reeds, etc., to lure you into the game! I hope that everyone will not be cheated of hard-earned money, and these people who have lost their conscience can be vigorously punished by the law! On September 15, 2022, a worker, Li Zhensheng, made a real-name report exposed! The police have been called, Kunshan City Bacheng Town Police Station! I don't know if I can get my money back


The following is the original recommendation

Meta Trader 5 是手机安卓版本,他们给的链接下载注册的

自九月现在5日起,正式进入他们圈套,开始像,罗彩广,徐再有 尹常耀,刘光军,四人相继转账50000元,入金,解仓,现在又让交认证金20000,才可以出金提现!感觉遇到诈骗了,就报警了,果然如此!他们就是一个团伙,分别是,徐有成,常潇洒二人自称老师,刘嘉欣,是最初认识的带我进来上当的。还有客服金小姐负责引导我们转账入金的!还有李勇,在你亏钱的时候,出来帮你回本盈利乃至翻倍赚的,然后做一手对冲交易故意的让你锁仓,这样客服金小姐就会说你的仓位被锁,需要多少多少美元才能解仓!等解仓后,又说需要交认证金20000,否则只能操作交易,不能提现出金!就这样步步为营,通过网络友情,双簧记,等等,来诱骗你入局!希望大家能够不在被骗血汗钱,这些丧尽天良的人能够得到法律大力制裁!2022年,9月15日,打工人,李振生,实名举报曝光!已经报警了,昆山市巴城镇派出所!不知道能不能追回我的本金

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