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2022-09-15 12:10 Released in Indonesia Indonesia

Fraud and unable to withdraw funds

I know a woman from Tiktok, claiming to be Japanese and she seduced me sweetly, then taught me to trade with BKYHYO broker, first I deposited $65, then deposited again so my total fund was $1054, then I was taught to trade with her uncle and got a profit of $5056 , but every time I get a profit I have to pay taxes to his uncle of 20% of the profit, when I want to withdraw money, I can't withdraw the money and have to pay taxes, they require me to pay taxes of $676, then I pay $400 and help with his uncle $276 , then I paid another $227 to pay the daily fine because I didn't pay the tax on time they said, but after that the uncle lied and froze my account in BKYHYO and I had to pay $276 , even though before that I promised to refund him after a successful withdrawal and he agreed, but in fact I still couldn't withdraw my funds, then I checked the web address for the BKYHYO dashboard the domain disappeared and changed to my IP address, and suddenly my account was deleted, help me, I'm bankrupt and have debts because I plunged into forex and don't know anything

Unable to withdraw

The following is the original recommendation

penipuan dan tidak bisa menarik dana

Kenal seorang wanita dari Tiktok, mengaku sebagai orang Jepang dan dia merayu saya dengan manis, kemudian ngajarin saya trading dgn broker BKYHYO, pertama saya deposit $65, kemudian deposit lagi jadi total dana saya $1054 , kemudian saya diajarkan trade dengan pamannya dan dapat untung sebesar $5056, tetapi setiap mendapat keuntungan saya harus membayar pajak ke pamannya sebesar 20% dari keuntungan, ketika ingin menarik uang, saya tidak bisa menarik uang dan harus bayar pajak, mereka mengharuskan saya bayar pajak sebesar $676 , kemudian saya bayar $400 dan di bantu dgn paman nya $276 , kemudian saya membayar lagi $227 untuk membayar denda harian karena saya tidak bayar pajak nya tepat waktu kata mereka, tetapi setelah itu pamannya ber bohong dan membekukan akun saya di BKYHYO dan saya harus membayar $276 , padahal sebelum nya saya sudah berjanji akan mengembalikan dana dia setelah sukses withdraw dan dia setuju, tapi kenyataannya saya ttp tidak bisa menarik dana saya, kemudian saya cek alamat web untuk dashboard BKYHYO domainnya menghilang dan berubah jadi alamat IP saya, dan tiba tiba akun saya di hapus, tolong saya, saya sudah bangkrut dan punya hutang karena terjun ke forex dan tidak tahu apa apa

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