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2022-09-14 17:54 Released in Hong Kong China Hong Kong China

The following photo is the contact person who contacted me. He introduced Hongli. I don't know if the photo is fake or not. I hope someone who has the ability can check the authenticity.

Because Weibo was blocked, I can’t see the homepage, and the cc chat software is no longer online. Fortunately, I was alert and felt that there were many doubts in my heart. I also checked their traders and found many loopholes, so I transferred the funds in advance. A lot came out, so the loss was not too bad. I couldn't confirm my conjecture before. It was not until today that I found out that the software could not be used and the money could not be raised. I verified my idea. Those people in the live broadcast room listened to the class. Most of them are fake, for show

Unable to withdraw

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