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2022-09-07 23:19 Released in  Taiwan Taiwan

The original platform is changed to another one. My operation on the new platform is accused of illegal, and need to pay 20% of the violation fee

I was guided to register at BKYHYO by a Netizen. This platform migrated to GSM (Grand Signal Markets Limited) without warning. It is an unregulated platform. It is confirmed that the customer service GSM will upgrade the main standard and deposit money again. However, it is told that someone else has made a deposit, which is an illegal operation and needs to pay 20% of the fee to recover the account. At present, the MT5 account has been disabled, and the new platform GSM has no EMC pipeline. So I need your help.


The following is the original recommendation


網友指導於BKYHYO註冊,此平台無預警遷移平台至GSM( Grand Signal Markets Limited),是個不受監管的平台,確認客服GSM將升級主標,再度入金, 後續驚覺不妥想要出金,客服卻告知有他人入金,屬違規操作,需要支付20%費用才能恢復帳號出金. 目前MT5帳號已經被停用, 遷移的新平台GSM無EMC管道,因此尋求幫助.

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