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2021-07-27 16:46 Released in Hong Kong China Hong Kong China

Blackwell Global deliberately deducted customer funds and threatens customers with principal

I previously opened a trading account at Blackwell Global, account number: 111548. At that time, when BG was discussing cooperation to open an account, it always claimed that they were doing the activity of depositing bonuses. And the bonus was against losses. I was attracted by the activity to open an account transaction. I deposited $10,000 in funds and they gave me a bonus of $1,500. But in the first transaction, due to a misjudgment, the direction of the transaction was wrong. My principal of 10,000 USD and the bonus of 1,500 USD were all lost and the position was liquidated. I tried to deposit another $10,000 in principal. This time the transaction was judged correctly and I made a profit of $10,844. However, when I withdrew the principal, I found that I had $2292.7 deducted by the platform. I asked the customer service. The customer service said that the bonus for the previous liquidation should be deducted. The platform itself launched the anti-loss bonus, but the customer will make a profit after a liquidation, and the amount of the bonus will be deducted. During the communication, they threatened me. If I disagree, no principal will be given to me. I can only agree.
A big platform is just doing such a kind of fraud platform behavior. There is no justification, it is all based on the mood of the founder. I hope to get back the deducted money. I hope the media will help me to speak out, and don’t leave this kind of fraud platform harm people anymore.


The following is the original recommendation


我之前在博威环球(Blackwell Global)开始交易账户,账号号码:111548进行交易,当时博威在商谈合作开户的时候,一直宣称他们在做入金送赠金的活动,而且赠金是可抗亏损,我在活动的吸引下开设账户交易。

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