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2021-07-21 12:11 Released in Japan Japan

Free Investment Global Limited: fraud platform

I tried many ways to withdraw. The following person is one of the perpetrators of the fraud group, who claimed to be Taiwanese, Chinese name: Joyce Huang. Line username: Cathy. Please immediately contact the police if see this scammer.


The following is the original recommendation

Free Investment Global Limitedは詐欺グループだぞ!

金を返せ!出金できるようににしろ!以下の人は詐欺グループの実行犯の1人である!自称台湾人で、中国語の名前: 黄智贤line上の名前: Cathy。この人の写真:早急にこの犯人とFree Investment Global Limited詐欺グループを掴む!!!

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