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2021-07-19 20:36 Released in  Taiwan Taiwan

Platform fault affects normal transactions and brings financial security issue

I did not cancel the emergency liquidation email in time because I was told that the email was canceled by the customer service of Toli at about 11 p.m. The fault of the platform had not recovered. But the customer service was very resolute and told me not to cancel the emergency liquidation. He said that it had already been processed, so I was relieved and did not send the emergency liquidation email at night. On the next day, the platform fault was resolved and normal trading could be done. The staff asked me to cancel the emergency liquidation email via WeChat. I also immediately followed the customer service's request to edit the content of the emergency liquidation email. After confirming the correctness to the customer service of Toli, I sent an email to cancel the emergency liquidation. This caused the profit and loss of my order to be deducted by your platform.
The chat history with Toli customer service is recorded. I hope that Toli can solve it fairly and justly, and get my first withdrawal of 122,310.77 as soon as possible. It has been deducted from the withdrawal process on July 8th. It took ten days to withdraw RMB 50,000. Please also recover the principal of 88,306.80 in my account as soon as possible, so that I can deal with normal trading, thank you!


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