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2021-07-17 13:43 Released in Paraguay Paraguay


They contacted me and asked me to deposit, and I agreed with countless benefits because I trusted them. I deposited about 1,500 Euros in the bank, which was a wrong decision. After that, I didn't see the money from the broker, and they prevented me from entering the platform. No one answered me again. I didn’t get my money back today, please help me.

Unable to withdraw

The following is the original recommendation


Me contactaron y me pidieron un deposito y con incontables "beneficios" a los que accedí porque les creí.les deposité en el banco unos 1500 euros, mala decisión. Luego de eso no veía el dinero en el bróker y me bloquearon de la plataforma. Nadie nunca más me respondió y a dia de hoy no recupero mi dinero que alguien me ayude por favor

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