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2021-07-16 15:26 Released in Paraguay Paraguay


A few weeks ago I decided to invest them to get benefits. They told me a perfect plan. According to the consultant, all I had to do was to deposit 1000 euros in the bank. Then I deposited a total investment of 1995 euros. After that, I found the negative income and decided to withdraw everything. Surprisingly, I was told that there was never such a contract. My request of withdrawal was also refused. They didn't return my money until today. Beware of their entire scam.

Unable to withdraw

The following is the original recommendation

Otra estafa

Hace unas semanas también decidí invertir con ellos por todos sus pintaban de maravilla todo lo único que tenía que hacer según el asesor era depositarles el dinero en el banco a partir de 1000 euros, les deposité en total 1995 euros. Luego de eso veía números en negativo y decidí retirar todo. Sorpresa[3f] Me negaron el retiro llamandome diciéndome que el contrato no decía eso Y JAMÁS HUBO CONTRATO! hasta el día de hoy no me regresan mi dinero. Estafa total cuídense de ellos

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