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2021-07-14 15:55

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EAl looking investor with HFT trading system
🔷🌅 Real Hope HFT Statement : MT5, Server - CDGGlobal-Server Login :3705 , Password : guanmo1234 + There are 3 forex symbols per account. We make profits through hedge arbitrage. + This account started in 2019. This account has produced profiable and stable results even in many big economic events such as Brexit and the Corona, Trade war. + Swing, Grid, Martin, HFT Use 4 strategies can be flexible in any situation. like FOMC ,NFP, Corona pandemic, Strong trend and high volatility + Made a profit of $1700 in the month of june, depending on the volatility of the market. + An upgrade to the strategy system was recently completed. especially in terms of profitability 🔷 🎇 Rᴇᴀʟ Hᴏᴘᴇ ɪɴᴠᴇsᴛᴍᴇɴᴛ :: Condition [-] Min deposit : 5000$ [-] Profit sharing : 20% / 80% is for client [-] Withdrawals are made once a month. Because of MAM rules [-] The contract period is 1 year . Minor withdrawals are possible, but withdrawals of full deposits will incur a 10% fee. 🔷🌄Channel- 🔷🌄Contact- Telegram@RealHope1
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l looking investor with HFT trading system
Indonesia | 2021-07-14 15:55
🔷🌅 Real Hope HFT Statement : MT5, Server - CDGGlobal-Server Login :3705 , Password : guanmo1234 + There are 3 forex symbols per account. We make profits through hedge arbitrage. + This account started in 2019. This account has produced profiable and stable results even in many big economic events such as Brexit and the Corona, Trade war. + Swing, Grid, Martin, HFT Use 4 strategies can be flexible in any situation. like FOMC ,NFP, Corona pandemic, Strong trend and high volatility + Made a profit of $1700 in the month of june, depending on the volatility of the market. + An upgrade to the strategy system was recently completed. especially in terms of profitability 🔷 🎇 Rᴇᴀʟ Hᴏᴘᴇ ɪɴᴠᴇsᴛᴍᴇɴᴛ :: Condition [-] Min deposit : 5000$ [-] Profit sharing : 20% / 80% is for client [-] Withdrawals are made once a month. Because of MAM rules [-] The contract period is 1 year . Minor withdrawals are possible, but withdrawals of full deposits will incur a 10% fee. 🔷🌄Channel- 🔷🌄Contact- Telegram@RealHope1
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