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2021-01-27 13:46 Released in Hong Kong China Hong Kong China

Remember this face

At the beginning, the fraud chatted with you. Later, he said that I could earn some pocket money. The exchange rate is 1:7.1, and the minimum is 100 US dollars. You can earn 20 US dollars, which is equivalent to RMB 142. The second time I was asked to invest 1000 US dollars, RMB 7100, yes. Earn 1,420 quick money. The third time I invested 10,000 US dollars. I said that I was afraid of losing money because of instability. It would not let me take risks. There was a 20,000 US dollar plan to let me go and raise money... I changed my face without getting the money. He said that he lent me 36,000, a total of 102,000 into the gold, but now I can’t mention it, it’s a liar group committing the crime, everyone needs to be cautious...


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