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2021-01-01 22:18 Released in Botswana Botswana

Knight Service Group = Qiviut... Same scammers!

I've just realized that at first sometime around August 2020, the person asked me to register under kgmmarkets.comSo they are the same scammers as Qiviut and they maybe using other names as well. In the beginning they had asked me to do a bank transfer and gave me their bank details. Please people report these scammers maybe we can get some help from the authorities. See the attached banking details. Bank based in Hong Kong. If we file more complaints the police can take on the cases and easily find them through the information provided to bank and also phone numbers they have been using to communicate.I have filed an online report on the HK police website, please please do the same. (copy and paste the following link of the HK police cyber crime page);jsessionid=MRqK1IUg6GO8NgsR0iHfuAs-hzyDgYBzybidrbPM.node1?report=CBR_CRIME&fontSize=100&vTimeoutReminder=1740000&vTimeoutVal=1800000&vTimeoutReminderVal=60000

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