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Hong Kong

2020-07-16 12:04

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EATrading psychology check-in 2
Here's mine: I am on the edge of a winning streak, so trying to remain stable, rather than become overconfident and reckless. I want to be a consistent winner, not just a "boomer and buster". Part of that is avoiding the winning streak -> become reckless -> losing streak cycle. Not compulsively checking my trades. I have this kind of urge to check my trades even though there is no need to. I'm becoming more aware that that drains my energy, and feeds an addiction to random rewards on a smaller scale. Whether my trade is a few more or less pips in my favor, I get a little "hit" from that. So today I only checked the charts when it would be necessary for trading purposes.
Leah Ludenyi
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Trading psychology check-in 2
Hong Kong | 2020-07-16 12:04
Here's mine: I am on the edge of a winning streak, so trying to remain stable, rather than become overconfident and reckless. I want to be a consistent winner, not just a "boomer and buster". Part of that is avoiding the winning streak -> become reckless -> losing streak cycle. Not compulsively checking my trades. I have this kind of urge to check my trades even though there is no need to. I'm becoming more aware that that drains my energy, and feeds an addiction to random rewards on a smaller scale. Whether my trade is a few more or less pips in my favor, I get a little "hit" from that. So today I only checked the charts when it would be necessary for trading purposes.
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