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Hong Kong

2020-07-16 14:08

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EAReversal Implementation 2
Volume Divergence i) The indicator should have a smoothing aspect to filter out the noise within the volume movements. ii) Ideally, you want the indicator to plot the divergence (hidden or classical) for you, but if not, you can visualise yourself. Trend Divergence i) This indicator should be based upon a wave analysis of the price action movement. Price Action within markets typically follow a cyclical pattern (not all of the time of course). Trend Bias i) Ideally a zero-lag, or lag reduced, trend indicator that gives a fast indication of where the current trend in the market is. It's not so important that this indicator is correct 100% of the time - only used as an additional filter. Price vs MA i) Current position of price (i.e. above/below) with respect to a predefined moving average. We have found success using LWMA with periods ranging from 26 to 150.
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Leah Ludenyi
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Reversal Implementation 2
Hong Kong | 2020-07-16 14:08
Volume Divergence i) The indicator should have a smoothing aspect to filter out the noise within the volume movements. ii) Ideally, you want the indicator to plot the divergence (hidden or classical) for you, but if not, you can visualise yourself. Trend Divergence i) This indicator should be based upon a wave analysis of the price action movement. Price Action within markets typically follow a cyclical pattern (not all of the time of course). Trend Bias i) Ideally a zero-lag, or lag reduced, trend indicator that gives a fast indication of where the current trend in the market is. It's not so important that this indicator is correct 100% of the time - only used as an additional filter. Price vs MA i) Current position of price (i.e. above/below) with respect to a predefined moving average. We have found success using LWMA with periods ranging from 26 to 150.
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