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Hong Kong

2020-07-16 12:03

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EATrading psychology check-in 3
Fear causing me to leave money on the table - Earlier in the weak I did have a little drawdown, which I reacted to by closing trades in slight profit, instead of hanging in to my full TP. However, my full TP would have been reached. I did it a lot less than I used to a few weeks ago, so I tried to see the progress in it. Then today, I had a profit target that was 5 pips shy. I had an urge to close it right then but stopped myself. It went all the way to my TP moments later. So that was a sign I am learning from the previous mistakes.
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Leah Ludenyi
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Trading psychology check-in 3
Hong Kong | 2020-07-16 12:03
Fear causing me to leave money on the table - Earlier in the weak I did have a little drawdown, which I reacted to by closing trades in slight profit, instead of hanging in to my full TP. However, my full TP would have been reached. I did it a lot less than I used to a few weeks ago, so I tried to see the progress in it. Then today, I had a profit target that was 5 pips shy. I had an urge to close it right then but stopped myself. It went all the way to my TP moments later. So that was a sign I am learning from the previous mistakes.
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