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Hong Kong

2020-07-16 14:23

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EAReversal Implementation 5
Take Profit methodology Risk:Reward ratio. Take the SL, and multiply by a given factor. Fibonacci Levels. Typically, when entering divergence based signals on higher timeframes, you will be at the tail end of a Fibonnaci retracement, and TPs can be based on the usual levels. The strategy can be utilised across multiple time frames. For trading on higher time frames, there is a strong argument for building into your positions. i.e. When price moves in your favour by a set amount, add a position at the current price, and move the SL to the last entry level. Process can be repeated several times, up until the movement has exhausted.
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Leah Ludenyi
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Reversal Implementation 5
Hong Kong | 2020-07-16 14:23
Take Profit methodology Risk:Reward ratio. Take the SL, and multiply by a given factor. Fibonacci Levels. Typically, when entering divergence based signals on higher timeframes, you will be at the tail end of a Fibonnaci retracement, and TPs can be based on the usual levels. The strategy can be utilised across multiple time frames. For trading on higher time frames, there is a strong argument for building into your positions. i.e. When price moves in your favour by a set amount, add a position at the current price, and move the SL to the last entry level. Process can be repeated several times, up until the movement has exhausted.
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