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Hong Kong

2020-07-16 10:57

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EAHow To Instantly Improve Your Profit During The New York Session 1
Living in Southeast Asia and have a day job? This trading session is for you! While you have settled down at home, traders in USA are only starting their day. #1 US Session Trading Hours When the traders in Europe return from their lunch, the traders in America (mainly in New York) start their trading day. This is at 12pm GMT (8pm SG time). This overlap in market activity contributes to higher volatility and presents opportunities to make money. Due to its leadership in world trade & global economic policies, the US session is one major financial centre that markets pay keen attention to.
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Leah Ludenyi
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How To Instantly Improve Your Profit During The New York Session 1
Hong Kong | 2020-07-16 10:57
Living in Southeast Asia and have a day job? This trading session is for you! While you have settled down at home, traders in USA are only starting their day. #1 US Session Trading Hours When the traders in Europe return from their lunch, the traders in America (mainly in New York) start their trading day. This is at 12pm GMT (8pm SG time). This overlap in market activity contributes to higher volatility and presents opportunities to make money. Due to its leadership in world trade & global economic policies, the US session is one major financial centre that markets pay keen attention to.
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