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Hong Kong

2020-07-16 11:59

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EATrading psychology check-in 1
Hi everyone, I am learning about trading psychology now and finding it very interesting. I'd like to hear about how your trading psychology was today. The purpose is to help each other gain self awareness. Sometimes when someone else tells whats going on with them it helps you realize something about yourself you might not have seen before. A suggestion is you could check in about any of these fears and how they're affecting you: Fear of losing money, fear of being wrong, fear of missing out, fear of leaving money on the table. (There might be others too) Or you could check in about how you feel about your trades today/this week, or whatever else you want to say. Are you satisfied with your trading? Why or why not? Etc.
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Leah Ludenyi
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Trading psychology check-in 1
Hong Kong | 2020-07-16 11:59
Hi everyone, I am learning about trading psychology now and finding it very interesting. I'd like to hear about how your trading psychology was today. The purpose is to help each other gain self awareness. Sometimes when someone else tells whats going on with them it helps you realize something about yourself you might not have seen before. A suggestion is you could check in about any of these fears and how they're affecting you: Fear of losing money, fear of being wrong, fear of missing out, fear of leaving money on the table. (There might be others too) Or you could check in about how you feel about your trades today/this week, or whatever else you want to say. Are you satisfied with your trading? Why or why not? Etc.
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