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2020-05-22 15:13

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EAMarketMakerPRO EA
This EA is pretty simple, but at the same time has a unique money management technique that makes it survive longer through trending market periods than a regular grid or martingale EA. But it has some requirements to use it successfully. Leverage 1:500 Minimum deposit 200 Recommended deposit 500 Pairs to trade ONLY: EURUSD, EURJPY, AUDUSD, AUDJPY, USDJPY This means to open your MT4 open the above pairs on the M15 chart and attach the EA to every pair. Change the magic number for each pair. Let the MarketMakerPRO do its work. It will check your initial balance and close all orders for the rest of the day when it reaches 100 €/$ profit in equity. Not balance. When you see that all orders are closed, you can disable the EA and make a withdraw. But not in between. Restart the EA when your money is off your account. The main strategy is to get your initial deposit back as fast as you can. Everything after is pure profit and fun money to work with. For now, the EA is limited until the 15th June 2020. Find below the links to MyFXBook, my Telegram group and, of course, the EA. MyFXBook Results Main account:
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MarketMakerPRO EA
India | 2020-05-22 15:13
This EA is pretty simple, but at the same time has a unique money management technique that makes it survive longer through trending market periods than a regular grid or martingale EA. But it has some requirements to use it successfully. Leverage 1:500 Minimum deposit 200 Recommended deposit 500 Pairs to trade ONLY: EURUSD, EURJPY, AUDUSD, AUDJPY, USDJPY This means to open your MT4 open the above pairs on the M15 chart and attach the EA to every pair. Change the magic number for each pair. Let the MarketMakerPRO do its work. It will check your initial balance and close all orders for the rest of the day when it reaches 100 €/$ profit in equity. Not balance. When you see that all orders are closed, you can disable the EA and make a withdraw. But not in between. Restart the EA when your money is off your account. The main strategy is to get your initial deposit back as fast as you can. Everything after is pure profit and fun money to work with. For now, the EA is limited until the 15th June 2020. Find below the links to MyFXBook, my Telegram group and, of course, the EA. MyFXBook Results Main account:
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