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2019-12-30 10:10 Released in Hong Kong China Hong Kong China

Cheated by teachers in Galaxy International

In this November, I was pulled into a group, in which teacher recommended several stocks, which was profitable. There were many fraudsters who induced us to trade HSI300. Saying that the stock market was volatile, the account manager encouraged us to trade hedging and helped us open accounts on the APP. Having observed for while, I joined in and deposited 100000 RMB. At 13:00 on November 25th, the teacher told us to buy long, which made me profit 30000 RMB. I was asked to add fund. Thus, I deposited 200000 RMB or so in total. One day, the teacher told us to grasp the coming cocking market. Unexpectedly, I suffered a huge loss. But the teacher told me to be more executive. I kept following him, until made all losses.


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