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A Visit to the Foreign Exchange Swissquote in Dubai UAE - Office Confirmed Existed

Good United Arab Emirates

8th Street, Dubayy, United Arab Emirates

A Visit to the Foreign Exchange Swissquote in Dubai UAE - Office Confirmed Existed
Good United Arab Emirates

Reason for this visit

In terms of daily trading volume, the foreign exchange market qualifies as the largest market in the world. Due to its relatively developed financial system and friendly business environment, the UAE continues to attract foreign investors to enter the market. In order to help investors and practitioners have a more comprehensive understanding of the country’s foreign exchange dealers, the survey team is going to the UAE for site visits.

On-site visit

This time the survey team went to Dubai, UAE to visit Swissquote, a foreign exchange dealer. The survey address is Office No 3, Level 9, Currency House Building, Tower 2, DIFC, PO Box 125115, Dubai, UAE.


The team came to the central area of Dubai, which was prosperous and crowded. They saw this building from a long distance, and found Currency House Building.



The team found the signature of Swissquote on the 9th floor. The logo on the background wall of the company was also clearly visible.


The employees of the foreign exchange dealer Swissquote refused their request of entry and photographing. They could see staff in the office through the door. But the office scale and operation condition of it remained unknown.


The survey team went to Dubai, UAE, to visit the the dealer Swissquote and found the office at its regulatory address. However, the office scale and operation condition of it remained unknown. Please be prudent when trading with this broker. 


The content is for informational purpose only, and shall not be taken as final order for making choice.

Broker Information



10-15 years |Regulated in United Kingdom |Straight Through Processing(STP) |MT4/5 full license |Global Business |High potential risk |
  • Company Name:
    Swissquote Ltd
  • Country/region of Registry:
    United Kingdom
  • Company Abbreviation:
  • Official Email:
  • Twitter:
  • Facebook:
  • Customer Service Number:


10-15 years | Regulated in United Kingdom | Straight Through Processing(STP) | MT4/5 full license | Global Business | High potential risk |
  • Company Name: Swissquote Ltd
  • Company Abbreviation: Swissquote
  • Country/region of Registry: United Kingdom
  • Official Email:
  • Twitter:--
  • Facebook:
  • Customer Service Number:004402071862600

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