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Visiting Indonesian Broker Equityworld Futures

Great Indonesia

Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia

Visiting Indonesian Broker Equityworld Futures
Great Indonesia

Brand Story

Equityworld Futures was founded in 2005 and is a member of the Jakarta Futures Exchange. The company grew rapidly as the public's interest in financial products increased.

In terms of its business and focus areas, Equityworld Futures claims that it provides quality services and is committed to developing the futures industry, especially in Indonesia. Equityworld Futures is mainly engaged in Futures business and also engaged in forex trading.

Equityworld Futures has introduced E-Trade, an online trading system that allows any customer to have direct access to it home and abroad. Its information technology enables clients to execute trades and monitor investments in real time.


According to regulatory information, Equityworld Futuress office in Indonesiaisat Sahid Sudirman Center, Lantai 9, Unit C, D, G, H Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 86 Jakarta.The inspection team paid a field visit to this site.


According to the address, the surveyors came to the street where Equityworld Futures was located. They found a building sign and followed direction of the arrow.


The surveyors found the name of the Sahid Sudirman Center on a post in the grass.

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The surveyors entered the Sahid Sudirman Center and took an elevator to Level 9, where they found a floor sign in the corridor. According to the sign, the entire 9th Floor belongs to Equityworld Futures. According to the information WikiFX has, the company had more than 50 employees.


When the surveyors entered the office of Equityworld Futures, the first things they saw were the marble front desk, the company logo on the back wall and an Indonesian flag. The whole front-desk area is simple and beautiful, leaving a good impression on the surveyors.


A field investigation confirmed that the actual address of Equityworld Futures was consistent with its regulatory address. Investors are advised to resort to their good judgement after consulting the said above.

Broker Information

Equityworld Futures


5-10 years |Regulated in Indonesia |Retail Forex License |
  • Company Name:
    PT. Equityworld Futures
  • Country/region of Registry:
  • Company Abbreviation:
    Equityworld Futures
  • Official Email:
  • Twitter:
  • Facebook:
  • Customer Service Number:
Equityworld Futures


5-10 years | Regulated in Indonesia | Retail Forex License |
  • Company Name: PT. Equityworld Futures
  • Company Abbreviation: Equityworld Futures
  • Country/region of Registry: Indonesia
  • Official Email:
  • Twitter:--
  • Facebook: --
  • Customer Service Number:00622127889280

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