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The WikiFX Score of this broker is reduced because of too many complaints!

BP Prime

United Kingdom|5-10 years|
Regulated in United Kingdom|Straight Through Processing(STP)|MT4/5 full license|Regional Brokers|High potential risk|


Rating Index

MT4/5 Identification


Full License


United Kingdom



Influence index NO.1

United States 2.73
The WikiFX Score of this broker is reduced because of too many complaints!

MT4/5 Identification

MT4/5 Identification

Full License

Server Name
BlackPearlFX-Live MT4
Server Location United Kingdom




Influence index NO.1

United States 2.73

Surpassed 39.07% brokers

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+44 (0) 20 3745 7101
28 King Street London EC2V 8EH, United Kingdom


VPS Standard
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+44 (0) 20 3745 7101

Broker Information


Company Name

Black Pearl Securities Limited

Company Abbreviation

BP Prime

Platform registered country and region

United Kingdom

Company website

Pyramid scheme complaint


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WikiFX Risk Alerts 2
Previous Detection : 2023-11-28
  • The number of this brokers's negative field survey reviews has reached 1. Please be aware of the risk and the potential scam!
  • The number of the complaints received by WikiFX have reached 4 for this broker in the past 3 months. Please be aware of the risk!

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Pyramid scheme complaint
Unable to withdraw

Unable to withdraw. Need taxes. Suspected scam

A netizen gave me the following link, informing me that there is a 7-day fixed deposit event, and 3% of the profit will be rebated every day, and then recharge 20% on the basis of the total amount of the principal of the day after the rebate to continue the rebate and the fixed deposit activity After it was over, I was told that I needed to pay 20% of the income and the tax department approved it before withdrawing it, and the platform could help or pay it to the tax department. It was too troublesome for the platform to pay more than 130,000 taxes. In the whole process of participating, I deposited more than 300,000 yuan in funds, and they were all online loans. Because I did not have much funds, this netizen helped me recharge more than 400,000 yuan (including tax payment) in total. I didn’t doubt him when I saw that he helped me recharge more than I did. On the second day after paying the tax, he said that he was a bit busy in the past few days and he might not contact me less, but he couldn't contact me on the third day. And every day I pay attention to the notifications after the platform approves the tax withdrawal so that I can repay the online loan. As a result, it is about to pass one week later, but it still shows that it is pending approval. I asked the customer service again and again and there was no reply. I suddenly realized if I was deceived by the routine? Is this website a formal platform? The investment of more than 300,000 yuan is all the various online loans I borrowed. This amount of money is the hard work of our ordinary people for half a lifetime, and we dare not let our parents know. Guiqiu for advice from experts from all walks of life, how can I recover my assets justly? Thank you so much, good people are safe and happy in their lives!

2021-07-05 21:32

BP Prime · Company Summary

General Information& Regulation

BP Prime was founded in 2013 as Black Pearl Securities Limited with the aim to transform online trading, BP Prime is headquartered in London, with an operational office in China, having a client base across Europe, Asia and South America, offering its services for both retail and institutional clients. Black Pearl Securities Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, Financial Services Register Number 688456.

Market Instruments

The range of trading instruments on BP Prime platform includes online trading services for Forex, Cryptocurrencies, CFDs andCommodities, also more than 10 index CFDs also available via FIX API.

BP Prime Minimum Deposit

The account types at BP prime are divided only by the clients type, while the trading conditions will be discussed and tailored according to the needs and necessary requirements. The minimum deposit of $/€/£5,000 is way too high for regular traders. Traders can open a free demo account with any of the account options at BP Prime. Accounts are loaded with 10,000 in virtual money and are available for 30 days.


BP Prime Leverage

Regulatory restrictions in the UK and Europe lower use of leverage for retail traders only to a maximum of 1:30 for Major Currency pairs. However, professional traders may apply for higher leverage up to 1:100 for Forex instruments.

Spreads & Commissions

The BP Prime spread varies according to the account type, while typical spread for EUR/USD pair is from 0.3 pips in the Pro account and from 0.1 pips in the Prime account. The Pro account requires zero commission, and commissions on the Prime account depends on trading volumes.

Trading Platform

BP Prime supplies clients with the MetaTrader 4 (MT4) platform that was developed by MetaQuotes Software Corp and is used by millions of traders around the globe. MT4 is known for its easy to use intuitive interface and vast array of built in trading tools. This makes it a popular platform for beginner and experienced traders alike.

Deposit & Withdrawal

Traders can deposit and withdraw funds using credit cards, bank wire transfer, local bank transfer, and e-wallets including Neteller and Skrill. Deposits are available in any currency, which will be automatically converted into their accounts base currency. Average processing times for deposits are immediate and there are no fees (though credit card providers or banks may charge intermediary fees). The minimum accepted deposit is $5,000. Withdrawals via standard bank wire take up to 3 working days but may take up to 5 working days for some countries. For UK account holders, there are no withdrawal fees. For EU accounts, withdrawals are free once a month and then around 25 EUR thereafter.

Trading Hours

Trading hours for currency pairs are Sunday at 21:00 to Friday at 21:00 UK time. Trading sessions for indices and other assets are provided on the brokers website or within the trading platform.

BP Prime Customer Support

Customer support is available 24 hours a day, 6 days a week. Trader can either call the UK support desk at +44 (0) 20 3745 7101, email or speak to the support team on the live chat.

Accepted Countries

BP Prime accepts traders from Australia, Thailand, United Kingdom, South Africa, Singapore, Hong Kong, India, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Italy, Denmark, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Luxembourg, Qatar and most other countries. Traders cannot use BP Prime from United States, Canada, France, Afghanistan, Belgium, Guinea-Bissau, Iran, Iceland, Libya, Korea, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Yemen.


BP Prime, An FX Broker, Reports A 402% Increase In Revenue For FY22

NewsBP Prime, An FX Broker, Reports A 402% Increase In Revenue For FY22

2022-09-22 18:34

Black Pearl Securities, a forex and contracts for differences (CFDs) broker known as BP Prime, has released its annual reports for the fiscal year 2022, which runs from April 2021 to March 2022. The firm had revenue of £1.64 million, which is five times greater than the previous fiscal year's sales of £326,876.

2022-09-22 18:34
BP Prime, An FX Broker, Reports A 402% Increase In Revenue For FY22

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more than one year
Even though I can't read Chinese, I was able to understand that this company is actually a forex scammer! I really hope that forex traders can stay vigilant and these victims can recover their losses sooner.
2023-03-10 14:53
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